The Optimal Augmented Reality Interface

Augmented Reality solutions demand a robust spoken dialog interface.  Simple speech solutions restrict the user's ability to navigate through a process, and use cases become extremely limited.  Simple speech solutions end up as one size fits all, which is a mismatch for a diverse workforce comprised of varying levels of experience, expertise, and development needs.










Must Haves for AR Spoken Dialog Interface

  • Segment and access information such as steps, sub-steps, supporting notes, pictures, and warnings
  • Recall previous inputs
  • Receive confirmation of input and input result
  • Manage system response at individual level
  • Maintain original point in workflow as tangenital and branched workflows are processed 
  • Switch levels of detail on the fly
  • Move from user driven process to system driven process at any given point in time - with the switch triggered from user input, machine input, or administrative control
  • Look ahead in the process
  • Tie behavior of system to user profiles
  • Adapt to users' speech not forcing a way of talking
  • Access process status and prior workflow
  • Instantly navigate to any part of a process
  • Capture data and observations outside of workflow, while maintaining workflow point
  • Work in off-line capacity 
  • Track all inputs, content accessed, and workflow path in database format for analysis

Only Kextil enables a full interweaving of the user's personal workflow with the supporting resources that are neccessary to perform at the highest possible levels of quality and efficiency.